GIDEC, Gestión Informatizada de Ensayos y Comités, es una aplicación informática gratuita que surge con el objetivo de facilitar el trabajo diario de los CEIC, teniendo en cuenta los requisitos establecidos por el Real Decreto 223/2004.
01-05-2008 Translating ELSI - Ethical, Legal and Social Implications of Genomics, USA
This conference will provide a critical, comparative analysis of world-wide research on the ethical, legal and social implications (ELSI) of genomic science and technology, and promote communication between ELSI researchers, genomic scientists, policy-makers and the public, in order to improve the translation of ELSI research into practices and policies and the anticipation of emerging genomics issues.
Date: 05/01/2008, 08:00h to 05/03/2008, 17:00h
Renaissance Hotel
24 Public Square
Downtown Cleveland, Ohio
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